Results for 'A. Le Gall'

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  1.  30
    Antélim : Une innovation radiophonique en communication sociale.Marie Avron-le Gall & Mathilde Charpentier - 2007 - Hermes 48:145.
    En s'inscrivant dans une problématique posée par Pierre Schaeffer à propos d'une utilisation des moyens de communication au profit de groupes sociaux d'intérêts communs, cet article présente les conditions d'émergence et de fonctionnement des réseaux spécifiques de communication sociale à partir de l'exemple concret de la radio Antélim, et il s'interroge sur une éventuelle préfiguration d'Internet. Dans un premier temps, un rappel des théorisations, recherches et expériences, menées au cours des années 1960-1970, dégagera les conditions d'une communication participative, interactive et (...)
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    Lógica y necesidad en la epistemología de Jean Cavaillès.Sylvain Le Gall - 2014 - Cuestiones de Filosofía 16:140-158.
    En este artículo que dedicamos a las concepciones epistemológicas de Jean Cavaillès sobre el pensamiento formal y la teoría de la ciencia, analizaremos, en un primer tiempo, cómo la filosofía de las matemáticas de Cavaillès se presenta como una severa censura del logicismo y, en particular, de la empresa universalista de Carnap cuya sintaxis lógica es el blanco de las reprobaciones del filósofo francés, tanto en lo que atañe a la cuestión del formalismo como a la que estudia la relación (...)
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    Jean cavaillès 1903-1944 in memoriam 70º aniversario de su muerte.Sylvain Le Gall - 2014 - Ideas Y Valores 63 (156):277-280.
    A partir de la divergencia de M. Foucault con Th. Hobbes con respecto a la guerra como principio y fundamento del poder, se muestra la importancia de esa diferencia conceptual para los análisis políticos contemporáneos. Foucault sostiene que, en las sociedades modernas de Occidente, la comunidad política, y más precisamente la política misma, ha sido el terreno de la guerra librada por otros medios. Por extensión, esta tesis significa invertir el principio de von Clausewitz; a saber, que la guerra es (...)
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    The Great Escape.Charles Taliaferro & Michel Le Gall - 2010 - In Fritz Allhoff & Dale Jacquette, Cannabis Philosophy for Everyone. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 77–89.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Philosophical Prohibitions Religious Arguments A Defense of Altered States Cannabis in Particular.
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    Quand le double n'a pas sa place.Didier Le Gall - 2010 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 3 (3):109-120.
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    Éditorial. Les familles recomposées à l'heure des parentés plurielles.Didier Le Gall & Haydée Popper - 2013 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 3 (3):7-14.
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    Grasping the affordances, understanding the reasoning: Toward a dialectical theory of human tool use.François Osiurak, Christophe Jarry & Didier Le Gall - 2010 - Psychological Review 117 (2):517-540.
  8.  13
    Developmental Profile of Executive Functioning in School-Age Children From Northeast Brazil.Amanda Guerra, Izabel Hazin, Yasmin Guerra, Jean-Luc Roulin, Didier Le Gall & Arnaud Roy - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The development of executive functions is recognizably correlated to culture, contextual and social factors. However, studies considering all the basic EF are still scarce in Brazil, most notably in the Northeast region, which is known for its social inequality and economic gap. This study aimed to analyze the developmental trajectories and structure of four EF, namely inhibition, flexibility, working memory and planning. In addition, the potential effects of socioeconomic status and gender were examined. The sample included 230 Brazilian children between (...)
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  9.  11
    Discours, texte et langue: la fabrique des formes et du sens.Thierry Gallèpe (ed.) - 2016 - Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Edition.
    Fabriquer de nouvelles formes en discours pour que l’interprétant fabrique un sens plus riche au décodage : tel est l’enjeu continu de la tension entre contrainte systémique et sens visé, conditionnant ainsi le formatage et la présentation des discours. C’est cette tension qui constitue l’objet des études fondées sur des corpus allemands et français, qui sont rassemblées dans ce volume. La production du sens fait feu de tout bois et n’hésite donc pas à susciter l’invention, la distorsion formelle à son (...)
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  10.  17
    Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Discours sur l’inégalité ; Julie ou La Nouvelle Héloïse ; Émile ou de l’éducation ; Quatre lettres à Malesherbes ; Les Confessions [1789 ]; Rousseau juge de Jean Jacques ; Les Rêveries du promeneur solitaire.Roland Galle - 2016 - In Jörn Steigerwald & Rudolf Behrens, Aufklärung Und Imagination in Frankreich : Anthologie Und Analyse. De Gruyter. pp. 323-355.
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    Les dispositifs réflexifs de Patrick Tosani.Guillaume Le Gall - 2022 - Archives de Philosophie 85 (1):85-102.
    Cet article analyse le travail de Patrick Tosani en suivant l’ordre d’apparition des séries afin de souligner l’évolution de la réflexion de l’artiste sur la photographie. Sur le plan méthodologique, l’article privilégie l’analyse des images et des dispositifs mis en place en insistant sur la dimension réflexive du travail. On découvre ainsi comment ce processus en œuvre génère une pensée sur la nature des images produites.
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  12. La poète et le géomètre: symbolisme du langage chez Claire Lejeune et René Thom.Sylvain Le Gall & Martine Renouprez - 2008 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme 119:89-105.
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    Pourquoi la Chine a-t-elle pu éviter de tomber dans les « pièges du développement »?Tiejun Wen, Xue Cui, Shuliu Wang & Pierre-Yves Le Gall - 2013 - Multitudes 54 (3):81.
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    Bibliographie Cournotienne. Thierry Martin, Jean-Philippe Massonie.Philippe Le Gall - 1999 - Isis 90 (4):818-819.
  15.  31
    Éditorial.Didier Le Gall & Bernadette Legrand - 2014 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 205 (3):7-10.
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    La nouvelle architecture sanitaire d’organisation des soins depuis la loi du 21 juillet 2009.Arnaud Le Gall - 2011 - Médecine et Droit 2011 (108):150-158.
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  17. La référence aux espèces naturelles : une approche sémantique aux théories de la donation du nom.Sylvain Le Gall - 2007 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme 116:75-84.
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    Rappel de la législation relative aux prélèvements d'organes et quelques questions éthiques.Guy Le Gall & Françoise Le Gall - 2007 - Médecine et Droit 2007 (83):50-55.
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  19. The French Vegetative State.M. H. Boucand & P. Ver Le Gall - forthcoming - Hastings Center Report.
  20.  21
    La postmodernité de Xibaipo et l'aube de l'histoire universelle.Zhiyuan Cui, Shuliu Wang & Pierre-Yves Le Gall - 2013 - Multitudes 54 (3):63.
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    Éditorial.Annie de Butler & Didier Le Gall - 2010 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 4 (4):3-9.
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  22. Passionate Objectivity in Sherlock Holmes.Charles Taliaferro & Michel Le Gall - 2012 - In Philip Tallon & David Baggett, The Philosophy of Sherlock Holmes. University Press of Kentucky.
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    L'urbanisme et la nouvelle « Trinité ».Xiaoming Wang, Shuliu Wang & Pierre-Yves Le Gall - 2013 - Multitudes 54 (3):74.
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    Quel nom : nouveau travailleur, travailleur rural ou classe ouvrière?Hui Wang, Shuliu Wang & Pierre-Yves Le Gall - 2013 - Multitudes 54 (3):67.
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    Histoire économique.Mathieu Arnoux, Samuel Neuberg, Clément Lenoble, Jean-Marie Le Gall, Silvia Marzagalli, Monica Martinat, Anne Conchon & Loïc Charles - 2006 - Revue de Synthèse 127 (2):461-480.
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  26. Les pressions du sens sur la présentation du discours : distorsions et invention.Thierry Gallèpe - 2016 - In Discours, texte et langue: la fabrique des formes et du sens. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Edition.
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    La révolution industrieuse et la prospérité commune.Gang Luo, Shuliu Wang & Pierre-Yves Le Gall - 2013 - Multitudes 54 (3):87.
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  28. An axiomatic characterization of causal counterfactuals.David Galles & Judea Pearl - 1998 - Foundations of Science 3 (1):151-182.
    This paper studies the causal interpretation of counterfactual sentences using a modifiable structural equation model. It is shown that two properties of counterfactuals, namely, composition and effectiveness, are sound and complete relative to this interpretation, when recursive (i.e., feedback-less) models are considered. Composition and effectiveness also hold in Lewis's closest-world semantics, which implies that for recursive models the causal interpretation imposes no restrictions beyond those embodied in Lewis's framework. A third property, called reversibility, holds in nonrecursive causal models but not (...)
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    Benjamin Constant.Lothar Gall - 1963 - Wiesbaden,: F. Steiner.
    Le portrait politique de Constant est divisé en quatre parties.
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  30. Arguing, Arguments, and Deep Disagreements.Peter Davson-Galle - 1992 - Informal Logic 14 (2).
    In response to earlier papers in Informal Logic by Robert Fogelin and Andrew Lugg, this paper explores the issue of whether disagreement could ever be so deep that it defied rational resolution. Contra Lugg, I agree with Fogelin that such unresolvable disagreement is possible and, contra Fogelin, I suggest that the focus of such disagreement can be quite Iimited-a single proposition rather than a whole system of beliefs. I also suggest that emphasising arguing as a human practice rather than arguments (...)
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    What Are You Waiting For? Real‐Time Integration of Cues for Fricatives Suggests Encapsulated Auditory Memory.Marcus E. Galle, Jamie Klein-Packard, Kayleen Schreiber & Bob McMurray - 2019 - Cognitive Science 43 (1):e12700.
    Speech unfolds over time, and the cues for even a single phoneme are rarely available simultaneously. Consequently, to recognize a single phoneme, listeners must integrate material over several hundred milliseconds. Prior work contrasts two accounts: (a) a memory buffer account in which listeners accumulate auditory information in memory and only access higher level representations (i.e., lexical representations) when sufficient information has arrived; and (b) an immediate integration scheme in which lexical representations can be partially activated on the basis of early (...)
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  32.  36
    Between Tradition And Critique: The Gadamer - Habermas Debate.Robert S. Gall - 1981 - Auslegung. A Journal of Philosophy Lawrence, Kans 8 (1):5-18.
  33.  22
    Direct and indirect ways of managing epistemic asymmetries when eliciting memories.Marina Gall, Sandra Dowling, Joe Webb & Val Williams - 2019 - Discourse Studies 21 (2):199-215.
    This article aims to explore how epistemic status is negotiated during talk about the life memories of one speaker. Direct questions which foreground ‘remembering’ can lead to troubled sequences of talk. However, interlocutors sometimes frame their first parts as ‘co-rememberings’, and the sequential positioning of these can be crucial to the outcome of the talk. We draw on almost 10 hours of video data from dementia settings, where memory is a talked-about matter. Our focus is on 30 sequences which are (...)
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    Effects of Family Demographics and Household Economics on Sidama Children’s Nutritional Status.Baili Gall, Hui Wang, Samuel J. Dira & Courtney Helfrecht - 2022 - Human Nature 33 (3):304-328.
    Weight- (WAZ), height- (HAZ), and BMI-for-age (BMIZ) are frequently used to assess malnutrition among children. These measures represent different categories of risk and are usually hypothesized to be affected by distinct factors, despite their inherent relatedness. Life history theory suggests weight should be sacrificed before height, indicating a demonstrable relationship among them. Here we evaluate impact of family composition and household economics on these measures of nutritional status and explore the role of WAZ as a factor in HAZ. Anthropometrics, family (...)
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  35. Knowing, Counting, Being: Meillassoux, Heidegger, and the Possibility of Science.Robert S. Gall - 2014 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 28 (3):335-345.
    In his book After Finitude, Quentin Meillassoux criticizes post-Kantian philosophy for its inability to explain how science is able to describe a world without human beings. This paper addresses that challenge through a consideration of Heidegger’s thought and his thinking about science. It is argued that the disagreement between Meillassoux and Heidegger comes down to a question of first philosophy and the priority of logic or ontology in philosophy. Ultimately, Heidegger’s emphasis on ontology in philosophy is superior in its ability (...)
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  36. Fideism or Faith in Doubt?: Meillassoux, Heidegger, and the End of Metaphysics.Robert S. Gall - 2013 - Philosophy Today 57 (4):358-368.
    Quentin Meillassoux’s After Finitude: An Essay on the Necessity of Contingency advocates a “speculative materialism” or what has come to be called “speculative realism” over against “correlationism” (his term for [nearly] all post-Kantian philosophy). “Correlationism” is “the idea according to which we only ever have access to the correlation between thinking and being, and never to either term considered apart from the other.” As part of his criticism of “correlationism,” Meillassoux argues that it necessarily leads to fideism, referencing the return (...)
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  37.  12
    Beyond theism and atheism: Heidegger's significance for religious thinking.Robert S. Gall - 1987 - Hingham, MA, USA: Distributors for the U.S. and Canada, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    Through an analysis of key themes in Heidegger's work, the book challenges the traditional theological appropriation of Heidegger and the usual characterizations of religious thinking in terms of faith or belief in, or experience of, some ultimate reality. Heidegger, it is argued, offers a unique approach to a variety of issues and problems in contemporary religious thought and philosophy of religion that results in understanding religious thinking as a resolute openness to the holiness and meaningfulness of the world.
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  38. Beyond Theodicy: the Divine in Heidegger and Tragedy.Robert S. Gall - 1985 - Philosophy Today 29 (2):110-120.
    The paper explores the way in which we can make sense of the seemingly contradictory presentations of God and the gods in tragic literature by looking to the thought of Martin Heidegger. The duplicity of the gods in tragedy is found to be a function of the uncertainty and questionworthiness of being.
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  39. Interrupting speculation: The thinking of Heidegger and greek tragedy.Robert S. Gall - 2003 - Continental Philosophy Review 36 (2):177-194.
    Despite his extended readings of parts of the Antigone of Sophocles, Heidegger nowhere explicitly sets about giving us a theory of tragedy or a detailed analysis of the essence of tragedy. The following paper seeks to piece together Heidegger's understanding of tragedy and tragic experience by looking to themes in his thinking – particularly his analyses of early Greek thinking – and connecting them both to his scattered references to tragedy and actual examples from Greek tragedy. What we find is (...)
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    Da utilidade do riso e da comédia nas Leis, de Platão.Felipe Ramos Gall - 2023 - Revista Ética E Filosofia Política 2 (25):224-236.
    Pretendo mostrar que, no diálogo Leis, Platão apresenta um lado útil e benéfico da comédia, que é quando ela opera com o que chamo de riso lúdico, isto é, um tipo de riso que é uma brincadeira, que não se radica na animosidade ou na inveja. Uma comédia que seja capaz de oferecer esse tal riso lúdico revelar-se-á importante para a educação da cidade, uma vez que capacita os cidadãos a identificar o que é o ridículo, de modo a evitá-lo, (...)
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  41.  20
    Thinking What Is Strange and Dangerous: Heidegger, Tragedy, and Original Ethics.Robert Gall - 2022 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 14 (3):266-280.
    This paper returns to one of Heidegger’s pivotal references to ethics – his remarks in the “Letter on Humanism” – and attempts to follow up on a line of thinking in those remarks that Heidegger himself did not expand upon, namely, the link between ethics and Sophoclean tragedy. Reading Heidegger’s analysis of Heraclitus’s Fragment 119 on ἤθος with reference to Sophoclean tragedy and in conjunction with Heidegger’s thinking and his comments elsewhere on ethics and tragedy, the paper seeks to clarify (...)
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    Killing and relevantly similarly letting die.Peter Davson-Galle - 1998 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 15 (2):199–201.
    Winston Nesbitt has argued that the usual examples appealed to as supporting the view that killing is no worse than letting die are misleading in that the comparison cases are not set up properly to tap our intuitions. Making various adjustments to the cases he judges killing to be intuitively worse than letting die and suggests that such a result is meta‐ethically appropriate to one view of the point of ethics. I contest each of these claims.
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  43.  10
    The Possibility of Relative Truth: An Examination of the Possibility of Truth Relativism Within Coherence and Correspondence Host Theories of Truth.Peter Davson-Galle - 1998 - Routledge.
    First published in 1998, this book is an investigation of the possibility of articulating a coherent thesis of truth relativism within first, a host correspondence theory of truth and second, a host coherence theory of truth. The type of relativism addressed in the book is what is sometimes called 'framework relativism' - that where truth is relativised to a framework of belief or conceptual scheme. A further restraint is that a global relativistic thesis is sought - one which is relativistic (...)
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    The point of primary education.Peter Davson-Galle - 1998 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 30 (3):303–310.
    SummaryNone of the above should be viewed as a defence of the particular version of OOE currently popular. I have not advanced any proposals concerning what particular ends might be of such importance that they legitimately override her prima facie right to control the contents of her mind. I have suggested that an internal tension exists within CCE as sketched by Forster but even ‘empowerment’ was not assumed by me to successfully meet the onus; my point was merely that it (...)
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    Campus Conversations: Student Success Pedagogies in Practice.Jeffery Galle & Denise Pinette Domizi (eds.) - 2021 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    The eight essays in Campus Conversations provide some of the best scholarly work emerging from individual faculty learning communities in a statewide program called the Chancellor’s Learning Scholar (CLS) program.
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    Conceptual multiplicity and structure.Norman R. Gall - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (5):764-765.
    Dienes & Perner make three mistakes in their account of the “natural language meaning” of implicit-explicit knowledge: They fail to take the multiplicity of use of a concept seriously enough, they arbitrarily separate use of a concept and its conceptual structure, and they tend to tailor their analysis for use by the Representational Theory of Knowledge.
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    Different religions, diverse gods.Robert S. Gall - 2001 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 49 (1):33-47.
    Traditional approaches to the fact that there are different religions with different characterizations of what is divine---exclusivism, inclusivism, and pluralism---live in fear of religious diversity and the possibility that what is divine is not one, not many, but diverse, i.e., that there are different gods that are potentially incompatible and conflicting. In this paper, I argue that this alternative--–religious diversity and an acknowledgment of the diversity of the divine--–is a more “realistic” approach to our understanding of religion and our experience (...)
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  48.  78
    Faith in doubt in the end.Robert S. Gall - 2013 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 73 (1):29-38.
    At one time or another, most Contemporary Continental philosophers of religion make reference to Nietzsche’s announcement that “God is dead.” However, their interpretation and treatment of that announcement owes nothing to Nietzsche. Instead, they see the death of God as Hegel did, as a moment in a transition to a new way of talking and thinking about God or the Absolute. Their faith in God or the Absolute is not in doubt in the end. We argue that if one hears (...)
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    Kordig's paradox objection to radical meaning variance theories.Peter Galle - 1983 - Philosophy of Science 50 (3):494-497.
    In his book, The Justification of Scientific Change, Carl Kordig claims that the radical meaning variance view of Feyerabend and others becomes ensnared in a self-referential paradox. The accusation fails because it rests upon a confusion of that view with its "counterparts" in other linguistic/theoretical contexts.
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    Living on (happily) ever after.Robert S. Gall - 1994 - Philosophy Today 38 (2):167-180.
    The paper explores the comic quality and comic strategies employed by Derrida as a way of better understanding the texts of Derrida and their relationship to the philosophical tradition.
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